A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document whereby one person grants another person the authority to make legal and financial decisions on their behalf. There are different types of LPA for financial decisions and health care decisions.
A Lasting Power for financial decisions can be used to allow someone to make decisions for you even while you still have mental capacity. These decisions may include such things as buying and selling property, investing money and paying bills.
A Lasting Power of Attorney for health is different in that it only comes into effect if you have lost the capacity to make decisions for yourself. It will allow someone you trust to make decisions such as where you live, your medical care, what you eat and what kind of activities you should take part in.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is only valid if you have not been put under pressure to create it, and if you have the mental capacity to understand the implications of the document.
Our basic charge is £425.00 plus VAT, per LPA. For both the above LPA’s the cost will be £625.00 plus VAT.
For couples undertaking LPA’s at the same time a discount will be applied to the above fees.
Disbursements (expenses)
There is a fee payable to the Office of the Public Guardian – currently in the sum of £82.00 per LPA.
We are also able to undertake deputyship applications for Property and Financial affairs where a family member needs to make an application to the Court of Protection on behalf of a relative, who has lost mental capacity, and no Lasting Power of Attorney is in place.
Our charges for this will usually be based on our hourly rate, based on time spent. The current hourly charging rate is £300.00 plus VAT at 20%.
Contact us to arrange an appointment to talk over your situation with an experienced power of attorney solicitor, Mr Nigel Penzer.